Thursday, February 26, 2009

Last Rites...

Things are set and old man winter has granted us a stay of execution. Temps mid 20's to start, high teens to finish. Hopefully the ice will stay away today and the snow will be mimimal.

Meet at Carmelo's around six for grub.

The Hickory Hill Climb, winner take all sprint to the top, no holds barred, hands on bars, I expect it to be as dirty as Omaha's past.


  1. Snow or no snow, I'm looking forward to it. I'm also willing to accept the scorn and ridicule for riding my commuter bike w/fenders if need be.

  2. No holds barred, and hands on bars... does that mean kicking and biting are OK?

    Doesn't matter... I'll be watching from the bottom, anyway. :)

  3. It'll be as dirty as my stache.

  4. no, it'll be as dirty as MY 'stache.
